The year 1946, an enterprising entrepreneur, Shri. Lallubhai Makanji Patel, ebullient with his ideas, identified the need for Plant Protection. Shri. Patel took over a small workshop under the banner, "American Spring and Pressing Works", retained the same name and began the production of Rotary Dusters in the year 1947. He went on developing more and more sophisticated Agriculture Sprayers, Dusters and other Appliances needed for agriculture and public health. This he did with the help of its own R&D Department. Economizing pesticide dose for environmental consideration, reducing drudgery in operation and increasing the efficacy of spray suspensions received uppermost considerations in design and development of spraying appliances. The large array of such appliances developed by M/s American Spring and Pressing Works Ltd. Earned immense popularity among farmers of India throughout the length and breadth of our country with the result that a sapling planted by Shri. L.M. Patel became a full-grown tree in about half a century in his own lifetime. more...
- Knapsack Sprayers
- Knapsack Battery Operated Sprayers
- Knapsack Power Sprayers
- Power Sprayers
- Fogging Machine